Lynne loves language and has been writing poetry for nearly fifty years, her study floor being testament to that! So far, she has three collections to her name – “Looking For Lamp-posts” about relationships, “In The Wake of Dying” which title needs no amplification, and the latest, published by Eye Wild Books, “The Ecstasy of Nature The Nature of Ecstasy” whose poems look beyond the seen, finding what they are looking for in the margins. She loves to play with words and even to dissect their formation in the mouth, discovering how that can illumine their meaning and impact. She has also written a short autobiography “Singing To Donkeys” based on her twenty-nine years of a working life with The Brooke Hospital for Animals (The Brooke). Her sources of inspiration for poetry can be a simple word or phrase or an entire journey or relationship; increasingly, a work of art will set her off or just something that makes her laugh. Waking in the night, she writes it down immediately. The poems seem to come from nowhere; she says she’s lucky if they actually go somewhere. Now she finds added enjoyment in singing rather than reciting some of her poetry, all ad lib music following the shape as the words wish to express themselves on that occasion. She finds a freedom in such spontaneity, which releases her from her classical training. There’s more to come.
Lynne's book can be purchased on application to Lynne Nesbit:email [email protected]. £12.50 plus post and packing.

Rosalynde Price has gathered in this collection a lifetime of poetry –from glimpses of a 1950s girlhood in Holst’s Brook Green, in West London, where she won her poetry spurs as a medal-winning reciter of poetry followed by training at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, to country life today. The ‘expected’ career as a swinging-sixties dramatic actor was eclipsed by motherhood and the birth of her three lovely daughters and a move to Norwich and then Wales that marked a transition from City-Girl to the Country-Woman now settled in Suffolk Coastal. Most poets graduate from composing to then voicing their poetry but its clear in these poems that word-sound is as vital and natural as her meticulously crafted word-meanings which so often reveal the inner nature of things and an interest in people reflecting her practice as a Gestalt Psychotherapist. It is unusual for a poet to carry the creative flame for decades, many burn out but Roz, like R. S. Thomas, is as creative now as she ever was and dedicated to the Holy Grail of poetic excellence.
Availalable from 25th November 2022 £10.00 plus postage and packing. Go to contacts page to purchase.

As If Everything Were A Miracle’, is Peter Watkins second published collection of poems with Eye Wild Books. The poems were written during the Covid Pandemic of 2020/21 and reflect deeply on the consolations of the natural world. Seen through a wider lens they are an exploration of what it means to be human and our interconnection with the more than human world. Published December 2021 available to order now at £10.00 (plus postage and packing). Go to contacts page to purchase.
click here to listen to Peter performing 'As If Everything Were A Miracle'
cick here to listen to Peter performing 'I Wouldn't Doubt It For A Moment'
This beautifully produced and illustrated book is almost overwhelming in its simplicity. The poems lack all poetic pretensions but the images and thoughts sparkle like dew on the grass in the early morning. Each of these poems is the fruit of one man's solitary walks and meditations and are unlike any other poetry in their immediacy. James Roose Evans, author of: Older - A Thought Diary; Inner Journey Outer Journey; A Life Shared; and Blue Remembered Hills. The books as objects, apart from content, are a delight!!

Go to contacts page to purchase.
HOPE - Pandora Re-Visited is the second publication by the Aldeburgh Arts Club Artists’ Collective, ’ The idea for this book came from a conversation some of the Aldeburgh Arts Club members had during one of our Zoom meetings as we continued through the second national lockdown. The topics I chose were Trees, Birds, Water, Change, Hope and Heritage.
All essential to our well-being as humans living on this extraordinarily beautiful, rich and diverse shared planet. It culminated in an exhibition with some of the artwork produced, at the Aldeburgh South Lookout Tower in August 2021.
Price £10.00 (plus postage and packing).Go to contacts page to purchase.
What an absolutely WONDERFUL book you have published, The idea of letting each artist get the chance to explain their background and the philosophy and insights behind such a wide variation of beauty! I think you have found a structural key for many books to come - where we get to know the artists on several levels, which again gives us a deeper understanding of the artworks.
Jan Christian Mollestad. Filmmaker & Writer, Mollywood Productions.
HOPE - Pandora Re-Visited is the second publication by the Aldeburgh Arts Club Artists’ Collective, ’ The idea for this book came from a conversation some of the Aldeburgh Arts Club members had during one of our Zoom meetings as we continued through the second national lockdown. The topics I chose were Trees, Birds, Water, Change, Hope and Heritage.
All essential to our well-being as humans living on this extraordinarily beautiful, rich and diverse shared planet. It culminated in an exhibition with some of the artwork produced, at the Aldeburgh South Lookout Tower in August 2021.
Price £10.00 (plus postage and packing).Go to contacts page to purchase.
What an absolutely WONDERFUL book you have published, The idea of letting each artist get the chance to explain their background and the philosophy and insights behind such a wide variation of beauty! I think you have found a structural key for many books to come - where we get to know the artists on several levels, which again gives us a deeper understanding of the artworks.
Jan Christian Mollestad. Filmmaker & Writer, Mollywood Productions.
Look Out Locked In' is a beautifully illustrated A5 book of artworks with 119 colour pages. It is a collaboration between sixteen members of the Aldeburgh Arts Club luncheon group. Artists, poets, writers, bookmakers, potters, herbologist and makers, who came together in the spring of 2020 on zoom. They were set a subject matter for a period of eight weeks in which they could express in whatever creative form they might be inspired to use, story, photography, painting,drawing, journaling,poetry, exploring what it feels like to be in Lockdown and self isolating during this strangest of times.
A limited edition of 90. Price £10.00 (plus postage and packing). Go to contacts page to purchase. |

A sense of place has always been crucial to my writing. I was born in Pakefield, Suffolk, a coastal village at the southern end of the then thriving fishing port of Lowestoft - Norse names and on-shore fisher folk - in a house as close to the sea as could be, on a marly, sandy shifting cliffside, which is now a slope of a walk, to a shingle shift, seakale and no fisherfolk in sight, of the ever raging sometime calm, pigeon blue grey, chilly north sea.
My earliest memory is of the sun rising from an unusually calm blue summer's dead calm sea, my playground one of light, air and pebbles, the shingles shifting sound, ozone and bird call and salty seawater stinging and stimulating, or buoyant, uplfiting, when immersed in it's sandy softness. An unsure, on shore sort of world, certainly one of beauty. Water, nature, art, love and loss, family, to immerse within, to contemplate, to be balmed by - and that which still informs my writing. Kneeling In Dust was published 15th October 2020.
Price £8.00 plus postage and packing. Go to contacts page to purchase.
Click here to listen to Gillie performing 'Kneeling In Dust'
Click here to listen to Gillie performing 'Restaurante Avero Porto'
My earliest memory is of the sun rising from an unusually calm blue summer's dead calm sea, my playground one of light, air and pebbles, the shingles shifting sound, ozone and bird call and salty seawater stinging and stimulating, or buoyant, uplfiting, when immersed in it's sandy softness. An unsure, on shore sort of world, certainly one of beauty. Water, nature, art, love and loss, family, to immerse within, to contemplate, to be balmed by - and that which still informs my writing. Kneeling In Dust was published 15th October 2020.
Price £8.00 plus postage and packing. Go to contacts page to purchase.
Click here to listen to Gillie performing 'Kneeling In Dust'
Click here to listen to Gillie performing 'Restaurante Avero Porto'